Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Next Still Life

I have been contemplating working on a still life for a few days now and after some deliberation I decided to go up to the studio and start a painting. I gathered my painting supplies and a bag full of different items that had to do with manhood in some sense or another and I headed up to the studio.

I decided on creating a still life instead of any other style of painting for several reasons.

The reasons: It is painting from life, what better way to get back into the habbitt of painting than from life? It is going to sharpen the eyes, sync up my hand eye coordination. It will allow me to work on setting up compositions. It is exactly where I want to begin. And most importantly In the book I just finished on being an oil painter, the author suggested to start with still life. So I "inclined my ear to wisdom" as the Proverb goes.

I set up a simple still life and am began with a charcoal drawing to understand it first.

This is after the first hour of working from it.

And this is after the second hour

Hopefully after tomorrow I will finish it and begin the painting.

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